Monday, November 29, 2010


what i'm gonna do this holiday?? hurm..sooo boring..
soo excited when my father told that we're gonna travel to Perak and Langkawi..
already listed what to bring:

-bestfriends bag!
-form 1 books

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Best friends forever ?


tahun ni kita jumpa lagi ke ? kita dah tak sama sekolah . atikah miss you :(

p/s ; atikah :D

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Best Friends Forever!!

its already 29th of november..
only few days to secondary school..
miss convent very2 much...

and atikah,me and aliah,
will deseprate..we will gonna school in different school..
miss you guys soooo much!!
hope our friendship will stay forever..insyaallah..

love you,
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